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7 September 2023

Written by Katie Rollin

|  5 Minutes

Cycle insurance for electric bikes

Overhead image of a person riding a bike

The cost-of-living crisis has encouraged many people to consider changing their method of transport to reduce costs . Electric bikes are a great way to do this, as they cost only five to ten pence per full charge to run, and they’re much more cost effective than driving. However, e-bikes are a significant investment – the average price is around £1,000. If you’re looking to purchase an electric bike, then it’s essential to consider what steps you can take to protect your investment and ensure that if anything were to happen, you’d be able to get back on the road quickly and easily.

Here, we look at the benefits of e-bike insurance for giving you peace of mind over transport costs. We also explore who might benefit from electric bike insurance and what an electric bike insurance policy might cover.

Do you need insurance on an electric bicycle?

Electric bicycles are exempt from the insurance requirements that apply to cars and motorcycles. The UK government imposes speed and power regulations on electric bikes. Any electric bike that does not meet the requirements is classed as a motorcycle. Bicycles and e-bikes can be ridden on the road with no cycling insurance coverage or license but must follow UK traffic laws and regulations when riding on public roads.

On the other hand, motorcycles and mopeds, and motorised vehicles require a license and vehicle registration.

The lenient regulations on using electric bikes on UK roads don’t mean they should be ridden uninsured. Cycling insurance is especially important for e-bikes for several reasons, which include:

  • E-bikes can be more dangerous than non-electrical bikes. They are much heavier than regular bicycles, which can cause more damage if they collide with pedestrians or vehicles.
  • Electric bikes are significantly more expensive than non-electrical bikes. If something happens to your bike while in use or stored securely, you might have to pay significant amounts to repair or replace it, if you don’t have insurance.

Children biking

Who can benefit from e-bike insurance?

Regardless of what you use your electric bicycle for, anyone who owns an e-bike can benefit from insurance to protect themselves and their investment. Some benefits of electric bike insurance include the following:

  • Commuters who use their e-bike daily and need to lock them at work/in town could protect their electric bicycle from theft. This would be particularly useful in London or Cambridge, where statistics show bike theft is more common.
  • If you are reliant on your electric bike for transport. Bike insurance can help make sure you aren’t left without a bike.
  • If you have expensive equipment such as a GPS, protective clothing or headlights, you want to be covered. Cycle Insurance may offer accessory cover to protect your belongings.
  • If you take part in risky cycling activities with your e-bike. Activities such as mountain biking (with an electric mountain bike) or BMXing could be more likely to cause accidental damage or personal injury; insurance could help cover these eventualities.
  • If you use your bike abroard. Travel insurance often does not cover cycling holidays, so bike insurance that covers travel would be essential.

If you own an electric bike, it’s essential to have the right bicycle cover. Your bike may not be covered on your home insurance policy, and your bike (and cycling activities) may not be covered on your travel insurance policy. This means that if something happens to your bike, there will be no financial compensation for you or your family if anything goes wrong.

What is covered by e-bike insurance?

Most electric bike insurance policies cover as standard:

  • Malicious or accidental damage to your bike
  • Bicycle theft
  • Damage to or attempted theft of tyres if the bike was damaged at the same time

Each company may offer various additional insurance cover options such as accessory cover, liability cover and cycle hire, roadside assistance (Cycle Rescue) or mechanical fault repair. However, these are not always included in every policy, so check what your policy covers.

What is not covered by bicycle insurance?

Bicycle insurance companies will not cover electric bikes stored against security requirements (using a Sold Secure lock, amongst other things). A cycle insurance policy may come with an excess which you would need to pay in the event of a claim. Make sure to check your policy coverage and conditions to avoid any unexpected costs.

Man sitting on bike, handlebars are the main focal point

Specialist bike insurance with ALA

As the popularity of electric bikes continues to grow, so too do the options for electric bicycle insurance. ALA can offer a buildable policy so that you only pay for the coverage that you need for your e-bike. Our generous standard policy covers malicious or accidental damage and bike theft; we even cover you for 30 days outside the UK if you choose to take your e-bike abroad. With policies starting at just £21 per year, there is a policy suitable for every cyclist.

Additional ALA coverage options include:

  • Cycle hire replacement up to £500 or £1,000 – if you need a temporary replacement bike
  • Accessory cover up to £500 or £900 – if your insured bike accessories are damaged or stolen.
  • Public liability cover, up to £1m or £2m –if you get into an accident involving a third party.
  • Legal expenses up to £25,000
  • Personal accident compensation up to £10,000 or £25,000 – for severe personal injuries resulting from cycling activities

Electric bike users may want to opt for personal accident cover and public liability cover should they be involved in an accident. You might also want to include Cycle Hire Replacement for frequent cyclists, or accessory cover, if applicable.

ALA Cycle Insurance offers insurance coverage for all bicycle types , including electric bikes. Our plans are affordable, flexible and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Moreover, with a price match guarantee on any comparable policy, you can rest assured that you have the best value insurance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is public liability insurance for electric bicycles?

Public liability insurance covers the cost of any damage or injury you cause to a third party if you are involved in an accident on your e-bike. This is usually purchased separately from your car or home insurance policy.

Does home insurance cover e-bikes?

Bikes can be covered under a home insurance policy. However, many impose value limits on certain assets. Your e-bike may not be fully covered by your home or contents insurance. Additionally, contents or home insurance only covers your electric bike at home, while over 90% of bicycle theft occurs in semi-private or public locations.

What qualifies as an e-bike (in the UK)?

E-bikes are defined by having an electric motor of 200 watts or less and a battery that can’t exceed 20 kg. An electrically-assisted pedal cycle is often used for commuting and cycling to work but can also be used for leisure.

How much does electric bike insurance cost?

E-bike insurance premiums will depend on the value of your bike. An e-bike worth £1000 could be insured for only £37.42 per year or £3.94 per month, including interest.

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